Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Half Way Mark

A local orchid blooming at a Santo Domingo Beach hotel.

So I have been in Nicaragua for the last six months of my life.  Well most of that time I have spent in Nicaragua but I have made one trip back home, a trip to Costa Rica during the New Year and I am writing now once again from Costa Rica.  Nicaragua is so hot that I had to take a break from the heat.  So I am writing from an Internet cafe in Heredia--which is a few thousand feet above sea level so it is nice and cool.  I think the heat has been the single most difficult challenge for me during my time in Nicaragua.  Looking back I can say I am happy with the results of my work.  I do not mean to attempt to take the credit for what we have been able to accomplish.  When I say ´my work´ I don´t mean single-handedly growing all the produce we have been and continue to harvest.  My work is to organize, plan and coordinate everyone, including myself, to cause the orphanage´s land to produce to it´s maximum capacity in a sustainable manner.

So now what´s on tap for the next six months? That´s what I´m going to try to figure out during my break up here in the cool highlands of Costa Rica.  I need everyone´s prayers for God´s, not my, desire to be fulfilled.  I do know that I need to focus even more on teaching the kids to become more skilled in being able to take care of the farm-garden independently.  My going away for a break does just that.  I can teach them how to plant seeds and grow the plants to harvest, but I can´t teach them to want to do this on their own.  For this to happen the best I can do is teach them the importance of being able to grow food for themselves so that they will be able to eat better and hopefully grasp that the less money spent on food can go to other items that they don´t see very much of, like milk or more shoes.  A group of three from YWAM Youth With A Mission missions organization just spent a month with us.  They helped us tremendously in the garden.  One evening I felt a strong impression from the Lord to start praying in the morning before we start our work for the day.  The next morning the two women from YWAM asked if we could pray before starting work.  I told them that we are on the same wavelength.  That was what I was about to tell them we were going to do.  The YWAMers also helped me to paint some verses on pieces of wood to place around the garden.  The verses refer to character, ethics, work ethic, God´s words on His creation referring to gardens and plants, and God´s love for all of us, including the kids of CICRIN.  So when I get back I will start focusing on just spending time talking with the kids about what we´re doing, not so much how anymore.  I think they have that down.  The remainder of this year will be spent challenging them to take ownership of the garden and to understand that it is theirs to take care of.  So I guess it means I need to teach them management and cooperative working skills.  SO PLEASE KEEP ME AND THEM IN PRAYER.  WE CAN´T DO IT WITHOUT THE FATHER´S HAND UPON US ALL.  Enough for now.  Please enjoy the pictures I´ve just put up.  Explanations of pictures to come later.




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