Saturday, April 28, 2012

Back in Ometepe Island

It´s been almost two years since I last posted to my blog. Much has happened in between. I left Nicaragua November 15, 2010. I went back home and brooded for a year about what my life was about; asking God to let me come back to Nicaragua. I know from my own experience that at least for me, family and friends aren´t enough. They are what matter most to me, but a man has to be fulfilled in what he does with his life in order to not to slip into despair. So I am back in Nicaragua, and happy to be so, even when I freeze and think, what the heck have I done? How could I leave my family and home to live in a hot, dusty place where I got parasites within a couple of weeks of my arrival? But then I talk to young men who are looking for someone to teach them about God and call me their papa; I have girls and boys who run to me to hug me when they see me; I have ´my´ kids at CICRIN who call me Tio and now call me their Youth Pastor and I know that this is where I should be.  I just hope that friends and family will come and visit me so I can pretend that I am not as far away as I really am. 

 Can you see the Guardabarranco--national bird of Nicaragua, 
in the backyard of my friends Mike and Joan Vilasi
 Student from Cornerstone Christian Academy, Cleveland, Ohio
teaching origami to students at CICRIN Elementary School
 Aristedis, Jimmy, Juan Carlos and me
 Just like church at home, Hermana Aleida cooking chicken soup 
for fundraiser
 A howler monkey eating papaya leaves at Charco Verde Beach,
leaves kill bacteria, parasites
 Anderson with machete, Juan Ariel and Manuel, with Sara in background
boys from church in San Jorge, cutting posts to make a ramada in their
barrio de Santa Carlota, for Sara to preach under
 Don´t blame me, I didn´t get them started, but I definitely support
their coffee habit, coffee for all in my room. Christian looks happy!
 Pastor Henry Rodriguez ministering to youth at recent retreat.
back to work, my first project is a PVC frame greenhouse. 
Tubes busted with wind as soon as I added plastic roof.  Going to insert
metal rods to fix the problem. Next picture will be of completed greenhouse.

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